
Friday, January 4, 2013

Office Use in South Dakota

Medication Requests for ‘Office Use’
The Board receives frequent advice from pharmacists
related to prescriptions the pharmacy may receive from a
prescriber indicating “for office use” on the prescription.
SDCL 36-11-2 (22) defines this. “Prescription drug order”
is a written or oral order of a practitioner for a drug or drug
device for a specific patient. Therefore, a prescription that
is not patient-specific is not valid. If a practitioner requests
medication from a pharmacy, this transaction is considered
a wholesale distribution. For non-controlled substances,
the invoice must contain the name, strength, and dosage
form of the medication, date of the transaction, and name
and address of the seller and the purchaser. For controlled
substances (CS), the record must contain all the information
stated above, as well as the Drug Enforcement Administration
(DEA) numbers of the both the seller and the purchaser.
If the medication is a Schedule II CS, the purchaser must
execute a DEA Form 222 to the seller prior to the transaction.
Records for CS transactions must be maintained in
a readily retrievable manner for a minimum of two years.

Source found in South Dakota Board of Pharmay Newsletter for January 2013 found here 

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