
Saturday, January 5, 2013

North Carolina's Immediate Response to the NECC-Caused Fungal Meningitis Outbreak

The Board’s Immediate Response to the
NECC-Caused Fungal Meningitis Outbreak
The Board summarily suspended NECC’s out-of-state
pharmacy permit on October 3, 2012, one hour after receiving
confirmation that NECC products were suspected in the fungal
meningitis outbreak.
Board investigative staff cooperated closely with North Carolina Division of Public Health staff to visit and/or telephone
every clinic in North Carolina identified as having received
potentially contaminated methylprednisolone products from
NECC. The Board staff specifically thanks Amanda Fuller
Moore and her staff at the Division of Public Health for their
superb efforts. During these in-person and telephone contacts,
Board and Division of Public Health staff ensured that the clinics were aware of the recall, had removed NECC products from
inventory, and were notifying potentially affected patients.
When the NECC recall was extended to all sterile products
produced by that pharmacy, Board investigative staff again
cooperated closely with Division of Public Health staff to ensure that all affected clinics had pulled every NECC product
from inventory and were notifying patients as recommended
by Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Immediately upon learning that FDA had urged Ameridose
to recall all compounded products produced at that facility, the
Board members summarily suspended Ameridose’s out-of-state
pharmacy permits.

Quoted from January 2013 edition of North Carolina Board of Pharmacy Newsletter found here

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