
Saturday, January 5, 2013

In Ohio Compounding pharmacies face new scrutiny

Posted: Saturday, January 5, 2013 12:00 pm | Updated: 5:02 pm, Fri Jan 4, 2013.
LIMA — The facility responsible for the deadly meningitis outbreak in late 2012 was known as a “compounding pharmacy.” However, that Massachusetts facility was a commercial prescription manufacturer, and in reality comparing it to a true compounding pharmacy would be like comparing a mass-food producer with someone cooking in his kitchen. Still, the problems found at the New England Compounding Center have meant increased scrutiny for small compounding pharmacies that mix ingredients for a single prescription. A new report released in December by the National Conference of State Legislatures said several states changed laws regarding regulation of compounding pharmacies and locally, pharmacists report increased inspections.
“You can expect something like that to come out of any event. If there’s an oil spill, everyone gets a closer look,” said John Pack, owner of Pack Pharmacy, which is Lima’s only compounding pharmacy.
Pack said compounding is more complicated than regular pharmacy work.
“We’re doing more, and more is expected of us. People need reassured,” Pack said. “So, two weeks ago, we had the most thorough inspection I’ve ever experienced. It was a surprise visit. You know, business just stops for them. But, it was very positive. We had nothing at fault. They did some educational things; they’re trying to get a more consistent way of keeping records.”
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