
Monday, January 28, 2013

GPOs to Blame for Drug Shortages, Says Physicians Group

Roxanne Nelson
Jan 24, 2013

Over the past few years, there have been unprecedented shortages of a large number of essential drugs, including chemotherapeutic agents. Although a number of reasons have been cited, including the limited number of manufacturers, increased worldwide demand, shortages of raw materials, and production problems, none of these really address the root cause.
According to Physicians Against Drug Shortages, the blame can be laid firmly at the feet of group purchasing organizations (GPOs). The real reason for the current situation is that there is no free market for drugs, medical devices, or healthcare supplies in the United States.
This accusation is apparently being taken seriously; 6 senior Congressman are calling on the Government Accountability Office to investigate the role of GPOs in drug shortages and the recent meningitis outbreak related to compounding pharmacies.
"These shortages are simply unacceptable in our free-market economy," said Phillip L. Zweig, MBA, executive director of Physicians Against Drug Shortages.

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