
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Expert: Pharmacy overhaul not enough

Jan. 5, 2013
Richard Weir / Boston Herald


Gov. Deval Patrick’s planned overhaul of the state Board of Pharmacy — a move aimed at boosting oversight of sterile compounding pharmacies after a deadly nationwide fungal meningitis outbreak — is a “great first step” but further action is needed, according to an expert on pharmaceutical compounding.
“I think it’s moving in the right 
direction,” said Sarah Sellers, a former U.S. Food and Drug Administration official who worked on compliance issues involving compounding and has become a crusader. “But (the measures) will not be enough to protect the public without additional 
efforts by the FDA.”
Until federal law changes, Sellers said, states like Massachusetts can help protect the public by posting the inspection findings of such pharmacies online.
“Transparency can be a very effective regulation tool … and an 
efficient way to rein in inappropriate practices,” she said.
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