
Monday, January 7, 2013

Arizona Board of Pharmacy Looking At Task Force To Review Compounding Regulations

AGENDA ITEM 14 – Definition of Compounding and Regulation of Compounding
President Milovich asked Mr. Wand to address this agenda item.
Mr. Wand stated that in the Board book the following information was included: the definition of
compounding, the NABP model rules, NABP update of legislation affecting compounding, and
PCAB accredidation.[sic]
Mr. Wand stated that the Board could establish a task force to review the regulations.
Dr. Foy stated that he has concerns about recent complaints with questionable compounding and
proper training. Mr. McAllister stated that Texas has recently revised their rules.  Dr. Musil stated that the Texas
Board has regulations concerning testing but has not been able to fulfill their obligations in that
Dr. Musil stated that he is in favor of a task force to review the laws.   Dr. Musil stated that the
Board may want to look at accreditation.
Mr. McAllister stated that it is the Board’s responsibility to also protect our residents form
non-resident compounders.
Mr. Wand stated that he could research compounding regulations and that he could bring
back names of individuals willing to serve on a task force at the next meeting.

Source found here

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