
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

American Society of Pharmacy Law Track and Annual Business Meeting: Mark the Date

ASPL Pharmacy Law Track and Annual Business Meeting

American Society for Pharmacy Law Track
ASPL will once again be sponsoring a series of sessions on Pharmacy Law at APhA 2013 in Los Angeles, CA March 1-4.  For more information about the APhA 2013 annual meeting, go to

Pharmacy Law Track:
  • Case Law Update
  • Legislative & Regulatory Update
  • Hot Law Topics
  • Warning: What You Don't Know Can Hurt You — Understanding the Consequences of State Board of Pharmacy Actions
  • FDA Update
  • HIPAA and HITECH: New Requirements for Privacy and Security
  • Mitigating Your Legal Risk: Challenges to Compliance in the Current Regulatory Framework
  • Pharmacy Social Media Boot Camp: Legal Issues

ASPL Annual Business Meeting
Please join us for the Annual Business Meeting and Reception to be held on Saturday, March 2, 2013, at 6:00 pm at the JW Marriott Hotel.

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