
Monday, December 24, 2012

West Virginia Board of Pharmacy December Board Meeting Addresses Compounding Issue


Sunday, December 16, 2012 5:00 P.M., and
Monday, December 17, 2012 8:00 A.M., at
Board of Accountancy Conference Room
106 Capitol Street, Charleston, West Virginia
1.     Approval of Minutes of the West Virginia Board of Pharmacy, September 7-8, 2012, and October 9, 2012 meetings.

2.     Complaint Committee Report of disciplinary recommendations. (Executive Session: Complaint Committee to address).

3.     Building Renovation Update. (Executive Session: Discussion of proposed bid documents, budget, and other such matters). (No handouts).
Continue meeting on 12/17/12 at 8:00 a.m.

Charleston, West Virginia
Monday, December 17, 2012, 8:00 A.M.
(Continued from Sunday, December 16, 2012)

4.     Request of Dave Cailler to regarding reciprocation from “original” state of licensure.

5.     Consideration of compounding of prescription medications and the rules of the Board protecting public safety in light of the recent issues with the Massachusetts pharmacy, New England Compounding Center. Roger Shallis to attend December 19 intergovernmental working meeting held by Department Of Health And Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, in Silver Spring, MD.

6.     Update and presentation of an award by the West Virginia Pharmacy Recovery Network, Executive Director Mike Brown. (No handouts).

7.     Request of Omnicare of Morgantown, Chris Lockard, requesting the Board review and, if appropriate, approve of, Omnicare’s plan for mail order dispensing from its Cincinnati facility to long term care facilities in West Virginia.

8.     Consideration of whether to approach Boards of Medicine and Osteopathy about revising statutes or rules and procedures for Collaborative Practice by pharmacists. (No handouts).

9.     Consideration of Practice Act legislation likely to be introduced in the Legislature in 2013, whether to try to move the bill with or without changes to generic pricing substitute language in § 30-5-12b, and other such issues. (No handouts).

10.   Controlled Substances Monitoring Program update (Michael Goff, CSMP Administrator). (No handouts).

11.   Update on implementation of Pseudoephedrine NPLEx tracking system. (Michael Goff, CSMP Administrator). (No handouts).

12.   Consideration of issuance of wholesale distributor’s licenses, and whether they include controlled substances handling permits or not within the fee of $750.00.

13.   Meeting with Board’s outside counsel, Jeff Wakefield, Danielle Waltz Swann, and firm of Flaherty Sensabaugh Bonasso for update on and consideration of State of West Virginia, ex. Rel. Darrell V. McGraw, Jr., Attorney General, v. West Virginia Board of Pharmacy, Civil Action No. 12 Misc. 537, Amended Petition for Writ of Prohibition against the Board. (Executive Session, Attorney-Client Priveleged Discussions)

14.   Announcements and any other business.

15.   Schedule next Board Meeting.

Source found here

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