
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Reform is Coming: The Purpose of This Blog Has Been Accomplished

When I began this blog in March 2012, I was stunned at the lack of education and knowledge about compounding in the veterinary and medical world.  I have learned so much since beginning this blog. I hope you have to.  In the beginning of this blog, I could foresee a tragic event such as the NECC meningitis outbreak happening.  I hoped it wouldn't.  I hoped the worst of tragedies had already been seen in cases such as Franck's, and Apothecure and similar cases, but I knew the odds were great that something bad would happen based on the way things were done or not done in the compounding world and when it did happen it would be big.  The one good thing that can possibly come out of that big bad thing is reform of the compounding world--better knowledge, better education, better procedures, better practices, better communication, better enforcement, better everything.  It is not enough for organizations to point their finger at the federal government.  All share in the blame. All must take responsibility and all must work together to improve the situation to make sure nothing like the NECC meningitis outbreak happens again.  Whether the federal government passes some sort of legislation and takes over most of the jurisdiction of compounding or the states keep the jurisdiction and strengthen the teeth of the rules and regulations they have, reform is needed and I have no doubt reform is headed our way.  There is much left for many to do.  There is much knowledge to be gained.  There is much education that still  must be accomplish.      

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