
Sunday, December 2, 2012

OOS Representatives TO Meet With The Ohio Pharmacy Board To Discuss Enforcement Of Regulations Surrounding The Purchase Of Avastin From Compounding Pharmacies


Last week the OOS made a formal meeting request to the Ohio State Board of Pharmacy to discuss the enforcement of current rules surrounding the purchase of Avastin from compounding pharmacies. We hope to hear back in the next several days regarding a proposed meeting date.

As you know, attention at the federal and state level regarding the regulation of drugs distributed from compounding pharmacies has increased dramatically since the deadly fungal meningitis outbreak linked to the New England Compounding Center. While Congress continues to investigate the current level of oversight and discusses developing legislation to create new regulations, state pharmacy boards are focused on enforcing current state level requirements.
The OOS has heard from several practices that have already been investigated or have questions about the current regulations. For a complete copy of the Ohio State Board of Pharmacy’s fact sheet Compounding in Ohio click here. The OOS has heard from several practices that are concerned that a number of the existing provisions make it extremely difficult for most practices to purchase and administer Avastin and potentially compromise what would be considered good patient care. The OOS is aware of these issues and will be articulating them to the Pharmacy Board.
We will update OOS members when we have a meeting date, and additional information to provide, from the Pharmacy Board. Should you have any questions now or in the future, please contact the OOS office directly at (614) 527-6799 or email us at

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