
Sunday, December 16, 2012

New Jersey Board of Pharmacy Considers Proposed Regulations During December Meeting

December 12, 2012 agenda contained following items relating to compounding:

1) Public Orders Filed
a. New England Compounding Center (11-20-12)
b. Kira Fedorenko, R.Ph. (11-28-12)
2) Angelo J. Cifaldi, on behalf of his client Nick Stamatiadis, R.Ph. – Requesting
reinstatement of license
3) Heidi Elzer – Request for modification of Consent Order
4) Ruben Aguilar, R.Ph. – Request for reinstatement of license
5) Proposed Regulations – Compounding Sterile and Non-Sterile Preparations in
Retail and Institutional Pharmacies

Readers please comment if you attended this meeting.

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