
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Indiana Board of Pharmacy November Meeting Discussion on Compounding

D. Sterile Compounding Discussion (after administrative hearings)
The Board discussed sterile compounding and the recent meningitis outbreak. The Board discussed the fact that not all states inspect pharmacies, as the Board had previously believed. The Board directed the staff to request information from nonresident pharmacies regarding their compounding practices, including their last inspection report and USP 795/797 compliance. This information must be supplied to the Board by December 31, 2012. The Board plans to use this information to help develop an appropriate response to this issue. All nonresident pharmacy applications will be reviewed by the Board, which may delay processing of these applications. The Board discussed the possibility of having a committee regarding this issue. The Board also plans to further investigate third party inspections and accreditation options.

Minutes of meeting found here

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