
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Texas Board of Pharmacy Discussed Compounding at November 2012 Meeting

Agency Name: Texas State Board of Pharmacy
Date of Meeting: 11/06/2012
Time of Meeting: 9:00:00 AM (Local Time)
Status: Active
Street Location: 333 Guadalupe Street, Suite 2-225
City Location: Austin
Meeting State: TX
TRD ID: 2012007448
Submit Date: 10/25/2012
Emergency Meeting?: No
Additional Information From: Becky Damon, Executive Assistant 512-305-8026

A. Announcements

* Meeting Procedures

* Board Members

* Staff

* Continuing Education

B. Discussion and Approval of Minutes

* TSBP Board Business Meeting Held August 7, 2012

* Temporary Suspension Hearings

C. Discussion of and Possible Action Regarding Rules

C.1 Final Adoption of Rules

C.1.1 Amendments to §291.17 Concerning Inventory Requirements

C.1.2 Amendment to §291.74 Concerning Automated Devices and Systems

C.1.3 Amendments to §291.93 Concerning Labeling Prescriptions for Partner Therapy in Class D Pharmacies

C.1.4 Amendments to §291.104 Concerning Submission of Controlled Substance Prescription Information to the Texas Department of Public Safety by Class E Pharmacies

C.2 Proposal of Rules

C.2.1 Amendments to §291.31 Concerning Definitions

C.2.2 Amendments to §291.32 Concerning Personnel

C.2.3 Amendments to §295.8 Concerning Continuing Education Requirements

C.3 Rule Reviews in Accordance with Government Code, Section §2001.039

C.3.1 For Proposal

C.3.1.1 Chapter 297 Concerning Pharmacy Technicians (§§297.1-297.9)

C.3.1.2 Chapter 291 Concerning Pharmacies (Services Provided by Pharmacies(§§291.120-291.121, 291.123, 291.125, 291.127, 291.129, 291.131, 291.133)

D. Discussion of and Possible Action Concerning the Following Reports and Discussions

D.1 Financial Update

D.1.1 Review of FY2012 Expenditures

D.1.2 Review of Board Member Travel Budget

D.1.3 Update on Legislative Appropriations Request for FY2014-2015

D.2 Update Concerning Program to Aid Impaired Pharmacists and Pharmacy Students

D.2.1 Update on Number of Participating Individuals

D.2.2 Professional Recovery Network (PRN)

D.2.2.1 Presentation and Discussion Concerning PRN Expenditures and Activities by PRN Director Courtney Bolin

D.2.2.2 Review and Approval of Professional Recovery Network Program Audit

D.3 Discussion Concerning Problems With Sterile Compounding at an Out-of-State Compounding Pharmacy

D.4 Discussion Concerning Biosimilar Drug Products

D.5 Discussion Concerning Community Pharmacy Accreditation

D.6 Discussion Concerning Health Information Exchanges and/or Private Entities Maintaining Patient Records

D.7 Report on Appeals of Disciplinary Actions

D.8 Report on Dissemination of Information to Board Members Prior to Informal Conferences

D.9 Report on Shared Regulatory Data Base Project

D.10 Discussion Concerning Board Member E-Mail Addresses

D.11 Discussion of Possible Statutory Changes for Consideration During the 83rd Session of the Texas Legislature

E. Disciplinary Orders

E.1 Consideration of Proposals for Decision

E.1.1 In the Matter of Anne Akinyi Odim, Pharmacist License #40536

E.1.1.1 Executive Session Concerning the Proposal For Decision in the Matter of Anne Akinyi Odim, Pharmacist License #40536

E.2 Report on Agreed Board Orders Entered by Executive Director

E.3 Discussion of and Action on Proposed Agreed Board Orders and Default Orders

E.4 Executive Session to Consider Confidential Agreed Board Orders

F. Consideration of and Possible Action Concerning the Following Enforcement Reports

F.1 Consideration of Petition(s) to Serve as a Preceptor

F.1.1 Petition from Susan Nguyen-Thiem, R.Ph.

F.1.2 Petition from Joseph Adam Isbell, R.Ph.

F.1.3 Petition from Nancy Robin Duffle Golden, R.Ph.

F.1.4 Petition from Jaime Ponce Anaya, R.Ph.

F.2 Report on Complaints Closed and Dismissed During the Previous Quarter

F.3 Report on Status of Active/Pending Complaints

G. Miscellaneous

G.1 Items to be Placed on Agenda for February 2013 Board Meeting

G.2 Discussion of and Possible Action on Recent Conferences and Events

* National Association of Chain Drug Store (NACDS)
2012 Pharmacy & Technology Conference, Denver, CO
August 25-28, 2012

* Council on Licensure, Enforcement and Regulation (CLEAR)
Annual Education Conference, San Francisco, CA
September 6-8, 2012

Annual Conference, Tulsa, OK
September 9-12, 2012

* Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP)
Education Conference, Cincinnati, OH
October 3-5, 2012

* National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA)
Annual Convention, San Diego, CA
October 13-17, 2012

* National Association of Board of Pharmacy/American
Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (NABP/ACCP)
District VI, VII, and VIII Annual Meeting, Little Rock, AR
October 21-24, 2012

G.3 Discussion of and Possible Action on Upcoming Conferences and Events

* Technician Informal Conference, Austin, November 28, 2012

* American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP)
Annual Meeting, National Harbor, MD
November 7-9, 2012

* Informal Conference, Austin, December 4-6, 2012

* Technician Informal Conference, Austin, December 13, 2012

* American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP)
Mid-Year Conference, Las Vegas, NV
December 2-6, 2012

* Informal Conference, Austin, January 8-10, 2013

* Technician Informal Conference, Austin, January 24, 2013


Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need auxiliary aids or services such as interpreters for persons who are deaf or hearing impaired, readers, large print or Braille, are requested to contact Cathy Stella at (Voice) 512/305-8000, (FAX) 512/305-8075, or TDD 1-800/735-2989. Requests for reasonable accommodations should be made five working days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.

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