
Friday, October 5, 2012

FDA expands recall list of tainted drugs as meningitis outbreak grows to 47 cases

Federal health officials have expanded the recall list of potentially contaminated injectable medications suspected in a multi-state meningitis outbreak and the death of five peopleMore and more cases are being reported, with 47 people having contracted meningitis in seven states. 

The Food and Drug Administration released a list of 34 different drugs this morning that included steroids, epidural anesthetics used to block pain during childbirth, and surgery and saline solutions that are compounded to make different medications. All of the products on the recall list were made by the New England Compound Center (NECC) in Framingham, Mass., and are administered by injection into the spine. ..

..The Centers for Disease Control and FDA have asked the clinics, doctors offices and hospitals in 23 states that have received shipments of medications from NECC to stop using them immediately. Anyone who has received epidural injections since July 1 should watch for symptoms of meningitis. Health officials say the most common symptoms are worsening headache, fever, stiff neck, trouble walking or falling and progressing back pain. Many of these patients have suffered strokes.
Click for a full list of recalled drugs from the FDA...

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