
Friday, October 19, 2012

Dr. Allen Suggest that there is no Need for New Laws And Regulations: We Just Need to Enforce the Laws and Regulations We Already Have

Loyd V. Allen, Jr., PhD, RPh, Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding in his weekly new letter on Compounding makes some excellent points in his editorial.  Here is part of this editorial:

Many in the public are "knee-jerking" and saying that "something must be done"! However, the bottom line is that pharmacists must obey the laws and regulations, and meet the required standards for whatever practice of pharmacy in which they are involved. If this happens, then the public is protected and the pharmacist has a successful practice in serving their patients.
No matter what laws, regulations, and standards are in place, if they are not followed, the public is put at risk, and death and sickness may result! It is important to let the public know that the majority of pharmacists adhere to the laws, regulations, and standards and we have the safest medication supply in the world. However, those that enforce the law may need to do a better job. I don't believe we really need any new laws or regulations, but we need better enforcement of those we already have; we also need reasonable clarification on differentiating compounding from manufacturing (i.e., when does a compounding facility become a manufacturing facility?).

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