
Thursday, October 25, 2012

DeLauro Urges Congress to Take Up Legislation after Election

NEW HAVEN, CT—Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) released the following statement today upon news public health officials found multiple health and safety violations at the compounding center responsible for sickening over 300 people with meningitis and killing 23. The State of Massachusetts has moved to revoke the licenses of the center and associated pharmacists.

“As if the deaths of 24 people and illnesses of over 300 more were not enough, the lack of safety procedures to ensure sterility of the drugs being shipped, is just more evidence of the need for congressional action. I plan to introduce legislation when Congress returns after the election that will strengthen the FDA’s role in monitoring and licensing compounding pharmacies. The current patchwork of regulations has clearly failed us.

Press release found here

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