
Monday, September 24, 2012

Vermont Office Use Compounding

During the August 22, 2012, Vermont State Board of Pharmacy Meeting, the board discussed an email question regarding office use compounding.  Although the specific question was not provided in the minutes, here is the answer given:

h.  Istvan Nadas E-mail – Questions about Vermont office use compounding:

Question 1.  See rule  8.19, the cap cannot exceed 5% of total annual sales.  The alternative
would be for the veterinarian to write a script that can be filled at a pharmacy.  Also, see the
FDA’s good manufacturing rules.  Aprille will respond.

Question 2.  They have to be licensed in Vermont as an out of state pharmacy and abide by
Vermont Statutes and rules.  Aprille will respond.

Question 3.  See answer to number one.  Aprille will respond.

To see the entire board minutes click here.

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