
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Nevada State board reprimands doctor Who Used Compound Purchased on Internet from Canadian Pharmacy Not Licensed in State

Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2012 | 9 p.m.
In another settlement, the board said Dr. Samuel Beck advertised Botox injections, mostly sought by women at his Allure Med Spa in Reno. In reality he was injecting a compound called "Dysport" purchased on the Internet and a Canadian pharmacy not licensed in Nevada.
The board dismissed the counts in the complaint that accused Beck of false advertising by having a large sign on the front window of his business saying Botox injections were available and brochures in his office touting Botox.
But he was penalized for using a drug from unlicensed sources in Canada. In addition to the public reprimand, he was ordered to attend 12 hours of classes on medical ethics and reimburse the board $1,337 for the cost of its investigation.

Entire article is found here.

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