
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Kansas Veterinary Rules Regarding Prescriptions

Kansas Board Veterinary Examiners
Amendment/Addendum to the Kansas Administration Regulations

70-7-1 The practice of veterinary medicine. Each veterinarian shall meet the following minimum standards in the practice of veterinary medicine.


(j) Controlled drugs. The veterinarian shall ensure that a separate written ledger is maintained when a controlled
drug is administered or dispensed.
(k) Locked area. If controlled drugs are used, the veterinarian shall ensure that a locked area for the storage
of controlled substances is provided.
(l) Dispensation of medications for companion animals.
(1) All prescription drugs to be dispensed for use by a companion animal may be dispensed only on the order of a licensed veterinarian who has an existing veterinary client-patient relationship as defined by the Kansas veterinary practice act. The veterinarian shall ensure that labels will be affixed to any unlabeled container containing any medication dispensed and to each factory-labeled container that contains prescription drugs or controlled substances dispensed for companion animals. The label shall be affixed to the immediate container and shall include the following information:
(A) The name and address of the veterinarian and, if the drug is a controlled substance, the veterinarian’s telephone number;
(B) the date of delivery or dispensing;
(C) the name of the patient, the client’s name, and, if the drug is a controlled substance, the client’s address;
(D) the species of the animal;
(E) the name, active ingredient, strength, and quantity of the drug dispensed;(F) directions for use specified by the practitioner including dosage, frequency, route of administration, and duration of therapy; and
(G) any cautionary statements required by law, including statements indicating that the drug is not for human consumption, is poisonous, or has withdrawal periods associated with the drug. If the size of the immediate container is insufficient to be labeled, the container shall be enclosed within another container large enough to be labeled.
(2) The term ‘‘companion animal’’ shall have the meaning specified in K.S.A. 47-816 and amendments thereto.
(m) Dispensation of medications for food or commercial animals. All prescription drugs to be dispensed for
food used by a food animal or used by a commercial animal may be dispensed only on a written order of a licensed veterinarian with an existing veterinary-client-patient relationship as defined by the Kansas veterinary practice act. That veterinarian shall maintain the original written order on file in the veterinarian’s office. A copy of the written order shall be on file with the distributor, and a second copy shall be maintained on the premises of the patient-client. The written order shall include the following information:
(1) The name and address of the veterinarian and, if the drug is a controlled substance, the veterinarian’s telephone number;

(2) the date of delivery or dispensing;
(3) the name of the patient, the client’s name, and, if the drug is a controlled substance, the client’s address;
(4) the species or breed, or both, of the animal;
(5) (A) The established name or active ingredient of each drug or, if formulated from more than one ingredient,the established name of each ingredient; and
(B) the strength and quantity of each drug dispensed; and
(6) directions for use specified by the practitioner, including the following:
(A) The class or species of the animal or animals receiving the drug or some other identification of the animals; and
(B) the dosage, the frequency and route of administration, and duration of therapy; and
(C) any cautionary statements required by law, including statements indicating whether the drug is not for human consumption or is poisonous or whether there are withdrawal periods associated with the drug.
(n) Supervision.
(1) Each veterinarian shall provide direct supervision of any employee or associate of the veterinarian who participates in the practice of veterinary medicine, except that a veterinarian may provide indirect supervision toany person who meets either of the following conditions:
(A) Is following the written instructions for treatment of the animal patient on the veterinary premises; or
(B) has completed three or more years of study in a school of veterinary medicine.
(2) A veterinarian may delegate to an employee or associate of the veterinarian only those activities within the practice of veterinary medicine that are consistent with that person’s training, experience, and professional competence. A veterinarian shall not delegate any of the following:
(A) The activities of diagnosis;
(B) performance of any surgical procedure; or
(C) prescription of any drug, medicine, biologic, apparatus, application, anesthesia, or other therapeutic or diagnostic substance or technique.
(o) Pain management. Each veterinarian shall use appropriate and humane methods of anesthesia, analgesia,
and sedation to minimize pain and distress during any procedures on companion animals.
(Authorized by and implementing K.S.A. 47-821; effective Feb. 21, 1997;amended Jan. 20, 2012.)

Entire regulations can be found here

70-8-1 Acts of unprofessional conduct. The following acts by a Kansas licensed veterinarian shall be considered unprofessional conduct and shall constitute grounds for disciplinary action against the licensee:


(gg) using prescription drugs in any of the following ways: (1) prescribing or dispensing, delivering, or ordering any prescription drug without first having established a veterinarian/client/patient relationship and determining that such prescription drug is therapeutically indicated for the health or well being of the animal or animals; or (2) prescribing, providing, ordering, administering, possessing, dispensing, giving or delivering prescription drugs to or for any person under the following circumstances:
(A) when the drugs are not necessary or required for the medical care of animals; or (B) when the use or possession of the drugs would promote addiction thereto. For purposes of this subsection, the term ``Prescription drugs'' includes all controlled substances in Schedules I through V, and all legend drugs which bear the federal legends, as such drugs are recognized by any law of the state of Kansas or of the United States. (Authorized by and implementing K.S.A. 47-830(o); effective Feb. 21, 1997.)

KANSAS VETERINARY PRACTICE ACT, 47-816. Definitions, section (o) provides:

"Veterinary prescription drugs" means such prescription items as defined by 21 U.S.C. Sec. 353, as in effect on July 1, 2001.


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