
Friday, September 21, 2012

Gary D. Osborn and Apothecure Inc. Sentencing Continued to 10/3/2012

09/14/2012 54 ELECTRONIC ORDER as to Gary D Osborn, Apothecure Inc: Sentencing CONTINUED to 10/3/2012 02:00 PM in US Courthouse, Courtroom 1570, 1100 Commerce St., Dallas, TX 75242-1310 before Judge Barbara M.G. Lynn. (Ordered by Judge Barbara M.G. Lynn on 9/14/2012) (chmb) (Entered: 09/14/2012)


  1. glad to hear the new date was not far from the original date of sentencing. what is he looking at? fines? jail time?

  2. He will definitely get a fine. Not sure about jail time. The advisory guideline range is probably fairly low. Although I cannot calculate it without his personal information from the presentence report (and those are confidential and only the attorneys, judge, probation, etc. can see those) I can only guess at his sentencing range. I would say it is probably 0 to 6 months and at most 0 to 12 months. My best guess is he won't get much jail time, assuming he gets any at all, but I may be wrong.

  3. I should have not that the United States Sentencing Guidelines are advisory and that even if the sentencing range is 0 to 6 months the judge is not bound by it. I also should have not that in my opinion Osborn should definitely receive a fine. This is ultimately a matter for the judge.

  4. See today's blog entry for sentencing update.
