
Tuesday, September 11, 2012



2813.1 A veterinarian shall prescribe, administer, or dispense drugs only for use on animals within the course of the veterinarian's professional practice. A veterinarian shall not prescribe drugs for use by humans.
2813.2 A veterinarian shall prescribe drugs only by a written prescription or on oral prescription to a pharmacist as authorized by, and in compliance with, applicable with, applicable District and federal laws and regulations.
2813.3 A written prescription shall have the following:
(a) Be signed by the prescribing veterinarian;
(b) Be dated on the day issued;
(c) Contain the full name and street address of the owner of the animal, the species of animal for which the drug is prescribed; and
(d) Contain the full name and street address of the veterinarian and the veterinarians's Drug Enforcement Administration number.
2813.4 Drugs may be administered only by a veterinarian or a veterinary assistant properly trained by a veterinarian in the manner of such administration of drugs and under the immediate direction of a veterinarian.
2813.5 A veterinarian shall retain the records required by this section for three (3) years and shall keep them separate from other records.
2813.6 The director may exempt holders of a special permit issued pursuant to § 2816 from the requirement of having a veterinarian administer or supervise the use of sodium pentobarbital.
2813.7 All drugs shall be dispensed by a veterinarian, or by a veterinary assistant pursuant to a prescription of a veterinarian. A veterinarian shall thoroughly inspect the prepared prescription and verify its accuracy in all respects.
2813.8 All drugs dispensed by a veterinarian shall be labeled with the following information:
(a) The name, address, and telephone number of the animal facility;
(b) The name and strength of the drug;
(c) The name of the client and animal identification;

(d) The date dispensed;
(e) Directions for use;
(f) The expiration date of the drug, where applicable; and
(g) The name of the prescribing veterinarian.
2813.9 All drugs dispensed by a veterinarian shall be in air-tight and light-resistant containers. All drugs dispensed by any veterinarian shall he in approved safety closure containers, unless the owner of the animal expressly requests that the medication not be provided in such containers.
2813.10 A veterinarian shall keep an account of all drugs prescribed, administered, or dispensed in the client record.
2813.11 A veterinarian shall keep controlled substances records separate from the client's other records and shall maintain them in chronological order for the administration, dispensing, or application of all Schedule II, III, IV and V drugs listed as part of the District of Columbia Uniform Controlled suhstances Act of 1981, D.C. Law 4-29, D.C. Code §§ 33-501 to 33-567. This record shall include the following:
(a) The date of transaction;
(b) The name of the drug and the amount dispensed or administered;
(c) The name of the client and animal identification; and
(d) The name of person administering, dispensing, or selling the drug.
2813.12 A veterinarian shall maintain invoices for all Schedule II, III, IV, and V drugs received on the premises where the stock of drugs is held, and shall keep invoices for schedule II drugs separate from other records. All records shall be maintained for a period of three (3) years from the date of a transaction.
2814.1 Drugs shall be stored in the following manner:
(a) Under conditions specified on the label of the original container, or as specified in the official veterinary medicine compendium;
(b) In accordance with applicable District and federal laws and regulations; and
(c) Under secure conditions so as to prevent theft or diversion.
2814.2 Drug storage areas shall he secure and temperature controlled and shall be kept clean and orderly.
2814.3 The stock of drugs and biologicals shall he reviewed at reasonable intervals so that working stock, at the time of expiration, are removed.
2814.4 A veterinarian shall take an inventory of all Schedule II, III, IV, and V drugs under the veterinarian's control every two (2) years and shall date and sign the inventory. The inventory shall indicate if it was made at the opening or closing of business and shall be kept on the premises where the drugs are stocked for three (3) years from the date of the inventory.
2814.5 A veterinarian shall keep Schedule II controlled substances in a locked area. Only a veterinarian shall have access to such drugs.
2814.6 A veterinarian shall immediately report the theft or unusual loss of Schedule II, III, IV or V controlled substances to the Department and the United States Drug Enforcement Administration. The Director shall make such forms available without charge to all veterinarians.


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