
Monday, September 10, 2012

Arkansas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners Regulations Relating to Prescription Drugs and Controlled Substances

These regulations cover both prescription drugs and controlled substances.  Regulation 10 provides:

All prescription drugs shall be stored, maintained, administered dispensed, sold or prescribed in compliance with federal and state laws.  Veterinarians who dispense pharmaceuticals must comply with the following minimum standards for drug procedures:

A.      Except for labeled manufactured drugs with proper instructions, all drugs dispensed shall be         labeled with:

         (1)      Name, address and telephone number of the facility,
         (2)      Name of client,
         (3)      Animal Identification,
         (4)       Date dispensed,
         (5)       Directions for use,
         (6)       Name and Strength of Drug
         (7)       Quantity dispensed
         (8)       Name of the prescribing veterinarian, and
         (9)       The statement "For Veterinary Use Only",

B.     A lay employee may count, fill and label a prescription under the direct order of the veterinarian according to specific instructions.

C.    A record of all drugs administered or dispensed shall be kept in the records of the individual animal if the animal is a companion animal, or in the client's record if the animal is an economic animal.

D.     Prescription drugs may not be purchased, advertised, displayed, sold or bartered by veterinarians except in the course of their professional practice.  The fact that the individual is a veterinarian does not provide any exception which is not also available to non-veterinarians.  Veterinarians who are in the employ of drug manufacturers or distributors and veterinarians who operate their own drug distributorship or sales outlets cannot legally sell prescription drugs or issue prescriptions for them outside the scope of a professional practice.

E.      Practicing veterinarians and their employees cannot legally sell prescription drugs to walk-in customers unless a valid veterinarian/client/patient relationship exists.  Prescription drugs may only be sold through a retail outlet, by mail order, a route salesman or other sales method on the written order (prescription) of a licenced veterinarian who has established a valid veterinarian/client/patient relationship and that written order (prescription is filled by a veterinarian or pharmacist currently licensed by the state of Arkansas.

Regulation 11 dealing with Controlled Substances provides:

All controlled substances shall be stored, maintained, administered, dispensed and prescrived in compliance with federal and state law.

A.    Where dispensing or use of controlled substances takes place, an inventory must be conducted every two (20 years and kept as a separate part of your permanent record,

B.     The form for keeping records of controlled substances shall contain the following information in addition to the name of the drug:

         (1)     Date of acquisition,
         (2)     Quantity purchased,
         (3)     Date administered, dispensed or prescribed,
         (4)     Quantity administered, dispensed or prescribed,
         (5)      Name and address of client and patient receiving the drug(s)
         (6)      Species of the animal,
         (7)      Name or initials of individual who dispensed or administered the drug, and
         (8)      Balance on hand.

C.      Records for Schedule II substances must be kept separate from Schedule III, IV and V substances.

D.      Inventories and records of narcotic drugs listed in Schedule I, II, III, IV and V shall be maintained separately from all other records or in such form that the information required is readily retrievable from ordinary business records or patient's records.

E.      Every veterinarian who is permitted to dispense, distribute, administers or conduct research with respect to controlled substances in the course of professional practice or research in Arkansas shall obtain a registration from the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration, unless exempt by Law.

F.       A separate registration is required for each principal place of business or professional practice at one general physical location where controlled substances are maintained, manufactured, distributed, or dispensed.

G.      All veterinarians shall provide effective controls and procedures to guard against theft and diversion of controlled substances.  Controlled substances listed in Schedule I, II, III, IV and V shall be stored under double lock security in a vault or locking cabinet in a room with limited access.

H.      Each veterinarian shall notify the Division of Pharmacy Services and Drug Control, Arkansas Department of Health, immediately upon discovery of any suspected loss, theft and/or diversion of any controlled substance.

I.      All controlled substances that are no longer stable because of deterioration or expired dating or are unwanted, must be delivered in person or by registered mail or other means of shipment with return receipt to Division of Pharmacy Services & Drug Control, Arkansas Department of Health, and accompanied by all completed compiles of Report of Drugs Surrendered (Form PhA DC-1) furnished by the Health Department or may be destroyed only by authorized agents of the Arkansas State Board of Pharmacy or the Arkansas Department of Health on site.

J.      The only drugs approved by this Board for pre-euthanasia of animals by a certified animal euthanasia technician in a facility approved by the AR Department of Health/Pharmacy Services and Drug Control shall be Acepromazine and Xylazine.

Regulations found here

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