
Saturday, August 18, 2012

The minutes from the May 2012 Texas State Board of Pharmacy have been posted.  The minutes relating to compounded preparations are as follows:

Rules Concerning Recall Procedures for Compounded Preparations
(§§291.131 and 291.133) (Tab 13)
Ms. Benz directed the Board’s attention to suggested amendments to
§§291.131 and 291.133 and explained the amendments clarify the
requirements for the recall of compounded preparations. Ms. Benz
recommended that the proposed rule be changed so that written
notifications to the Board concerning recalls be limited to batch
preparations only.
Following discussion, the motion was made by Mr. Wetherbee to
approve for proposal amendments to §§291.131 and 291.133 with
changes recommended by Board staff. The motion was seconded by
Ms. Mendoza and passed unanimously.

Entire minutes can be viewed here.

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