
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Louisiana Rules Regarding Advertising: How Many Are Complying With These in The Compounding World?

§1115.  Advertising
A. False, fraudulent, deceptive, or misleading advertising as prohibited by R.S. 37:1241 of the Pharmacy
Practice Act and this section shall include, but is not limited to, any public misrepresentation done or
made with the knowledge, whether actual or constructive, that is untrue or illegal, or is said to be done falsely when the meaning is that the party is in fault for its error.  Actual or constructive knowledge as used in this context shall include intentionally, negligently, mistakenly, or accidentally representing an untrue fact.
B. No person shall carry on, conduct, or transact business under a name which contains a part thereof the words “pharmacist”, “pharmacy”, “apothecary”, “apothecary shop”, “chemist’s shop”, “drug store”, “druggist”, “drugs”, or any word or words of similar or like import, or in any manner by
advertisement, circular, poster, sign, or otherwise describe or refer to a place of business by the terms
of “pharmacy”, “apothecary”, “apothecary shop”, “chemist’s shop”, “drug store”, “drugs”, or any word or words of similar or like import, unless the place of business is a pharmacy validly permitted by the board.
C. Pharmacies and pharmacists are prohibited from advertising professional ability, experience, integrity, or professional qualifications, or soliciting professional practice by means of providing prescribers of prescriptions with prescription forms imprinted with any material referring to a pharmacy or pharmacist.
D. No advertising shall include any reference, direct or indirect, to any controlled dangerous substance as provided for in Schedules II, III, IV, or V of RS. 40:964. The provision of coupons or vouchers for controlled substances through authorized prescribers, which accompany legitimate prescriptions for such controlled substances issued to patients, shall not be prohibited by this section.
AUTHORITY NOTE:  Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 37:1182.
HISTORICAL NOTE:  Promulgated by the Department of Health and Hospitals, Board of Pharmacy, LR 23:1311
(October 1997), amended LR 29:2089 (October 2003), effective January 1, 2004, amended LR 33:1131 (June 2007).

Rules found here.

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