
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

K-V v. Keck (State of South Carolina): K-V's Reply Memorandum in Support of Motion for Preliminary Injunction

To view the Reply Memorandum in Support of Motion for Preliminary Injunction, click here.
To view exhibit A (order of district court), click here.
To view exhibit B (supplemental declaration of Scott Goedeke), click here.
To view exhibit C (declaration of John H. Moore, M.D., CPI), click here.
To view exhibit D (declaration of Paula Rary), click here.
To view exhibit E (declaration of  Alexander R. Smythe, II, M.D.), click here.
To view exhibit F (declaration of  Paula E. Orr, M.D.), click here.
To view exhibit G (declaration of  Myles D. Davis, M.D.), click here.
To view exhibit H (declaration of  Deborah J. Davis, M.D.), click here.
To view exhibit I (second declaration of Thomas McHugh), click here.

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