
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Bienick v. Franck's Lab Inc.,: Discovery Deadlines Set

8/06/201213 TELEPHONIC RULE 16 PRELIMINARY PRETRIAL CONFERENCE held on 8/6/2012 before Magistrate Judge Roger B Cosbey. Pla appeared by atty David Farnbauch. Dft appeared by atty Stephen Peters. The 12 Report of the Parties Planning Meeting is approved in all respects (except dispositive motions deadline and establishment of a trial date) and is hereby made an ORDER of the Court. The Summary Judgment deadline in Fed.R.Civ.P. 56(b) SHALL NOT control. Any dispositive motion SHALL brief out in accordance with L.R. 56-1. DISCOVERY DEADLINE is 5/31/2013. Following the close of discovery, unless otherwise ordered by the Court, the assigned District Judge will establish all further deadlines and dates. John Whiteleather appointed as Mediator. Atty Farnbauch to notify Mediator by letter, copy to Atty Peters. Results of the Mediation shall be filed with the Court no later than 10 days before the Final Pretrial Conference. Magistrate Consent forms due by 8/27/2012. (FTR 1st floor.) (mr) (Entered: 08/06/2012)

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