
Thursday, June 28, 2012

What Happened to James Belden, DVM, in the Franck's case

Pursuant to the June 7, 2011, Florida Board of Veterinary Medicine the following occurred:
General Business Meeting
June 7, 2011
Page 1
Board of Veterinary Medicine
General Business Meeting
Holiday Inn Resort – The Castle
8629 International Drive
Orlando, FL 32819
June 7, 2011

James Belden, DVM: Case number 2009-021573
Dr. Belden was present at the meeting and was represented by counsel, Daniel Bachi. Dr. Belden was sworn in by the court reporter.
Ms. Lewis was recused due to her participation on the probable cause panel.
Ms. Henderson presented the case as a settlement stipulation. Ms. Henderson advised the board the administrative complaint alleges the Respondent administered Stanzolol and Butorphanol without adhering to statutory record keeping requirements. Ms. Henderson advised the board the department recommended a fifteen hundred dollar ($1,500.00) fine, one thousand nine hundred and sixty two dollars and eighty five cents ($1,962.85) in costs and six (6) months probation.
After discussion by the board the following motion was made.
MOTION: Dr. Maxwell made a motion to accept the settlement stipulation as presented.
SECOND: Dr. Helm seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

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