
Friday, June 8, 2012

U.S. Pharmcopeial Compounding Expert Committee and Focus Areas

The U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) has a compounding expert committee with focus areas.  The members and focus areas are listed below.  The committee's work plan can be downloaded here.

2010–2015 Compounding Expert Committee

Focus Areas include: 


Human Drug Compounding (Sterile and Nonsterile)

Veterinary Drug Compounding

Radiopharmaceuticals Compounding

Compounding Flavorings

Expert Committee Members

Gigi S. Davidson, B.S. Pharm., DICVP, Chair
Lisa D. Ashworth, B.S. Pharm., R.Ph., Vice Chair
Loyd v. Allen, Ph.D.
Edmund J. Elder, Jr. Ph.D.
Maria do Carmo M Garcez, B.S. Pharm.
Deborah R. Houston, Pharm.D.
Ken Hughes, R.Ph.
Eric S. Kastango, B.S.Pharm., M.B.A.
Patricia C. Kienle, M.P.A.
Keisha D. Lovoi, B.S.Pharm.
Linda F. McElhiney, Pharm.D.
William A. Mixon, M.S.
David W. Newton, Ph.D.
Alan F. Parr, Pharm.D., Ph.D.
Regina F. Peacock, Ph.D.
Robert P. Shrewsbury, Ph.D.
Keith St. John, M.S.
Government Liaisons
Ian F. Deveau, Ph.D.
Edisa Gozun
Martine Hartogenesis, DVM
John W. Metcalfe, Ph.D.
Terrance W. Ocheltree, Ph.D., R.Ph.
Judith McMeekin, Pharm.D.
Yichun Sun, Ph.D

USP Documentary Standards Staff
Shawn Becker, M.S., R.N.
Anthony DeStefano, Ph.D.
Donna Goldberg, M.Ph.
Rick Schnatz, Pharm.D.
Ivonne Zuniga
Primary Points of Contact
Rick Schnatz, Pharm.D. (
Jeanne Sun, Pharm.D. (



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