
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Texas State Board of Pharmacy's Ability to Impose Discipline for Violations of Other States' Law

An excellent blog post entitled, Texas State Board of Pharmacy's Ability to Impose Discipline for Violations of Other States' Law, posted on on February 3, 2011,and written by Louis Leichter, explains how Texas Board of Pharmacy, pursuant to Texas law, is authorized to discipline pharmacists for violating another state's law pertaining to drugs or the practice of pharmacy. Leichter notes that this grant of jurisdiction is expansive and raises unique regulatory pitfalls for Texas pharmacists whose practice reaches into other states or who hold licenses in multiple jurisdictions.  With regard to the law relating to compounding medications, this is another example where a pharmacist needs to not only check federal law and the law of the state where licensed, but the pharmacist also needs to check the law of any other state where business is being conduct.  For example, if the pharmacist is licensed in Texas, but delivering or shipping compounded medications to Oklahoma, the pharmacist would need to comply with applicable Texas and Oklahoma state law and any applicable federal laws.
Click here to view the post.

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