
Saturday, May 26, 2012

A Suggestion from the American Podiatric Medical Association Regarding Compounding Pharmacies and Medication Errors

The following recommendation can be found at this link.

Due to recent medication errors made by compounding pharmacies, APMA recommends that if
you are purchasing medications from compounding pharmacies, you consider obtaining a letter
of attestation from the compounding pharmacy accompanying the deliverance of each drug to
your office. This letter of attestation would contain a statement verifying the content and
concentration of the medication provided.  Due to recent errors, at least one reaction was life
threatening, which involved a patient who received 70 times the correct dose of atropine in
capsule form directly from a compounding pharmacy. APMA is aware that there are
approximately 218 drugs in short supply according to the American Society of Health System
Pharmacists, and this is a crisis for patients, physicians and hospitals.

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