
Friday, May 18, 2012

Settlement Agreement Between Franck's and Florida State Department of Health

A draft of the Florida State Department of Health board meeting minutes for April shows more trouble for Paul Franck and Franck Pharmacy.  To read the entire draft of the minutes, click here.  Here are the disciplinary actions against Franck.

TAB 3 DISCIPLINARY CASES – John Truitt, Assistant General Counsel
A-1  Paul Wayne Franck, PS 17342, Ocala, FL
  Case No. 2008-17152 – PCP Powers/Jones
Respondent violated:
Count One:  Section 465.016(1)(e), F.S., by violating Sections 499.01(1) and 499.005(22), F.S., by failing to obtain a prescription drug wholesaler’s permit or a retail pharmacy drug wholesaler’s permit prior to engaging in wholesale distribution of prescription drugs.
Count Two:  Section 465.016(1)(e), F.S., by violation of section 499.005(22)m by failing to obtain a permit prior to operation as a prescription drug repackager as required by section 499.01(1)(b).
Respondent shall be present. Respondent shall pay a fine in the amount of $2,000 and costs in the amount of $427.17. Respondent shall complete a 12 hour Laws and Rules CE course.
Respondent was present and sworn in by the court reporter. Respondent was represented by William Furlow.
Motion: by Weizer, seconded by Fallon, to accept the Settlement Agreement. Motion carried.
A-2  Francks Lab, Inc, PH 19761, Ocala, FL
Case No. 2008-16979, 2010-16555 – PCP Powers/Jones, Garcia/Weizer
(2008-16979) Respondent violated:
Count One:  Section 465.016(1)(e), F.S., by violating Sections 499.01(1) and 499.005(22), F.S., by failing to obtain a prescription drug wholesaler’s permit or a retail pharmacy drug wholesaler’s permit prior to engaging in wholesale distribution of prescription drugs.
Count Two:  Section 465.016(1)(e), F.S., by violation of section 499.005(22)m by failing to obtain a permit prior to operation as a prescription drug repackager as required by section 499.01(1)(b).
(2008-16979) Respondent shall be present. Respondent shall pay a fine in the amount of $2,000 and costs in the amount of $750.97.

Respondent was present and sworn in by the court reporter. Respondent was represented by William Furlow.
For the first Settlement Agreement:
Motion: by Ms. Mullins, seconded by Dr. Fallon, to dismiss the case. Motion carried with Dr. Griffin opposed.
(2010-16555) Respondent violated Section 456.072(1)(k), F.S., by failing to perform any statutory or legal obligation placed upon a licensee.
(2010-16555) Respondent shall be present. Respondent shall pay a fine in the amount of $2,000 and costs in the amount of $80.67.
For the second Settlement Agreement:
Motion: by Dr. Fallon, seconded by Ms. Glass, to accept the Settlement Agreement. Motion carried.

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