
Friday, May 25, 2012

Pathway Pharmacy on Probation for Three Years; Pharmacist Crowley can no Longer Practice; Other Pharmacist Disciplined

Pharmacist with criminal history can no longer practice in Nevada By Krista Hostetler CREATED APR. 25, 2012 Las Vegas, NV (KTNV) -- A pharmacist, with a history of DUI convictions and drug abuse, can no longer practice in Nevada after nine patients became seriously ill. Dr. Kenton Lance Crowley, whose record includes dispensing the wrong medication and working while under the influence, has surrendered his license. In January, Action News Chief Investigator Darcy Spears exposed how nine people got Sepsis, a dangerous bacterial blood infection, after being injected with calcium gluconate. The Nevada State Board of Pharmacy says Crowley prepared the tainted substance while working at Pathway Pharmacy. Crowley can reapply for a Nevada license in five years. He permanently lost his California pharmacy license in 2008 after officials there determined he was a threat to public safety. The Nevada Pharmacy Board also disciplined two other pharmacists involving in the tainted calcium mixture: Tim Brown was fined $1,000 and Michelle Badten faces one year on probation. Pathway Pharmacy remains open, but will be on probation for three years.

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