
Monday, April 23, 2012

India No Longer Making Cisapride

Cisapride, while banned for use in humans, is a commonly used and valuable drug used for animals.  The country of India previously made Cisapride; however, their government has shut down production for human safety reasons.  Several organizations have petitioned the Indian government to reconsider.  Here is the letter that the Society of Veterinary Hospital Pharmacists wrote to the Indian government petitioning them to reconsider.  Click here.

Special thanks to Gigi S. Davidson for bringing this issue to the author's attention. 

1 comment:

  1. My cat needs cisapride for her megacolon. She has been taking this drug for 2 years and it works great. I hope it will continue to be available in the future as she is a sweet animal and I would have to put her to sleep if her medication is no longer being made.
